quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

My Maid by Medi@lize (Single)

[OMG! An Otaku band!!!! *Q*]

#1 - Good Morning??: http://www.4shared.com/file/128204270/3c3b89bc/Medilize_-_01_-_Good_morning.html

#2 - My Maid: http://www.4shared.com/file/128204275/4c517d33/Medilize_-_02_-_My_Maid.html

#3 - Moe Moe Days: http://www.4shared.com/file/128204274/3b564da5/Medilize_-_03_-_Moe_Moe_Days.html

terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009

Natsu Monogatari by Ayabie

#1 - 夏物語/Natsu Monogatari: http://www.4shared.com/file/127615407/1968a40/Ayabie_-_01_Natsu_Monogatari_.html

#2 - ゆびきり/Yubiki ri: http://www.4shared.com/file/127615398/45a43a1d/Ayabie_-_02_Yubiki_ri_.html

#3 - Secret room: http://www.4shared.com/file/127615393/d276e395/Ayabie_-_03_secret_room.html

Natsu Monogatari [PV] (Mp4): http://www.4shared.com/file/127615376/3c9f3a94/Ayabie_-_Natsu_Monogatari_PV.html

segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009

(Maxi-Single) Take-off by ViViD


#1 - Take-off : http://www.4shared.com/file/127381736/8d4533d9/ViViD_-_01_-_Take-off.html

#2 - W.B.A.: http://www.4shared.com/file/127381744/2c0ac432/ViViD_-_02-_WBA.html

#3 - J-guild: http://www.4shared.com/file/127381740/2b67002b/ViViD_-_03_-_J-guild.html

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

Tokyo New Tribe: エモ・ファッション (Emo Fashion)

GENRE: エモ・ファッション (Emo Fashion)

FAVORITE LOOK:: YouTube、音楽雑誌 (YouTube, música revista)

FAVORITE BAND: Bleeding Star、卓矢ヱンジェル(Takuya WENJERU)、Dropdead


FARORITE COLOR/PATTEN/MATERIAL: ショッキング・ピンク、緑、黒、シルバー (Hot pink, green, black, silver)

FAVOURITE MUSIC: エモ (Emo)、スクリーモ (SUKURIMO)、エレクトロ Electro)、メタル (Metal)、デス・メタル (Death Metal)
My Chemical Romance(US)、Escape The Fate(US)

INTERESTS: アニメ (Anime)

MEMO: ワカナさん B型 水瓶座


(Aquarius B-Wa's CANNAT

The theme is "EMO"

I have a very emo-like atmosphere, not even unique to the Japanese original. Very cute and small.)

GENRE: エモ+シーン (Emo + Scene)

FAVORITE LOOK: PERIさん(DJ&スタイリスト) (PERI's (DJ & stylist))


FARORITE SHOP/AREA: 下北沢 (Shimokitazawa)、渋谷 (Shibuya)、原宿 (Harajuku)

(Black, Red, Silver
Gloss, enamel material)

FAVOURITE MUSIC: エレクトロ、ハードダンス (Electro, Hard Dance)

INTERESTS: DJをやっている (I was doing a DJ)

MEMO: Cassieさん B型 天秤座

テーマは「SCENE KIDS from Broken Doll」

(Cassie's B-Balance

The theme is "SCENE KIDS from Broken Doll"

Are small and scattered to emo, the topic "SCENE" will challenge us. Awesome presence of pink high heels!)

GENRE: エモカジ(emo+casual) (EMOKAJI)



FARORITE SHOP/AREA: 渋谷 (Shibuya)、代官山 (Daikanyama)

水玉、チェック (Spots, check)

FAVOURITE MUSIC: ロック (Rock)、ポップ (Pop)、パンク (Punk)

INTERESTS: ネイル、ダイエット(Unhas, dieta)

MEMO: Sachiさん O型 山羊座

テーマは「EMO Girl」


協力:UTA(ウタ) TEL.03-3467-6626
(Sachi's O-Capricorn

The theme is "EMO Girl"

DOLL live soul and rock and emo可愛RASHI, like the cute styling brackets.
Kitty also made a sparkling spangles, I hope I have cute culture in Japan. Skull and cute shoes!

Cooperation: UTA (UTA) TEL.03-3467-6626)

GENRE: エモ・パンク (Emo Punk)


FAVORITE BAND: 70'sのVivienne Westwood (70's of Vivienne Westwood)

FARORITE SHOP/AREA: 下北沢 (Shimokitazawa)
UTA(下北沢) (UTA (Shimokitazawa))

ヒョウ柄、メッシュ (Leopard skin, mesh)

FAVOURITE MUSIC: ネオ・パンク (Neo Punk)

INTERESTS: PCによる打ち込みMUSIC創作 (PC MUSIC stamped by creating)

MEMO: Ken-nieさん A型 双子座 テーマは「NEO PUNKS」

Broken Dollのオーナーでもあるケンニイさん。
NEONカラー、70's UK PUNK、80's L.A.メタルをバランスよく融合させた新しいファッション・スタイルを目指しています。
(Mr. Ken-nie-A Gemini theme is "NEO PUNKS"

Broken Doll's KENNII and owner.
Color NEON, 70's UK PUNK, 80's LA has to fashion a balanced combination of new metal.
Emo pink hair is not natural hair! !)

GENRE: エモカワ(Emo+Kawaii) (EMOKAWA (Emo + Kawaii))

FAVORITE LOOK: イベントで会った人 (People met at the event)、通行人 (passers-by)
アヴリル・ラヴィーン (Avril Lavigne)


FARORITE SHOP/AREA: 原宿 (Harajuku)、下北沢 (Shimokitazawa)

ヒョウ柄 (Leopard skin)

FAVOURITE MUSIC: Gackt、Avril Lavigne(CAN)

INTERESTS: お絵かき (Oekaki)

MEMO: あづささん A型 蟹座


ポイントは目の下につけたViVi(Vivid Vi Vrant)アイラッシュ。
スカルと薔薇がプリントされたスカートやBroken DollオリジナルのエモいTシャツ、レースアップ・ブーツ、その他ハードなアクセサリーを身につけながらもロリータ的な雰囲気も感じさせ、とてもクールな日本っぽさが出ています。
(Azusa's Cancer-A

The theme is "Red and Black"

Points were chosen under eyes ViVi (Vivid Vi Vrant) AIRASSHU.
Rose-print skirt and skull and the Broken Doll is Original Emo T-shirts, boots up the race, feel the atmosphere of Lolita with a hard wear and other accessories, some very cool whiff of Japan.)

GENRE: エモカジ(emo+casual) (EMOKAJI (emo + casual))

FAVORITE LOOK: マルイメンズのPPFMのマネキン (The mannequin in the men's PPFM Marui )

FAVORITE BAND: cece(シーシー)

FARORITE SHOP/AREA: マルイメンズ新宿 (Men's Shinjuku Marui)

スワロフスキー (Swarovski)


INTERESTS: プロレス (Wrestling)

MEMO: よーへいさん A型 魚座


(A bequest to the I-Pisces

The theme is "feeling!"

I TTEMASU KIMA Emo T-shirt and a hairstyle you emo!
Cases and pill great decoration FURISUKUKESU me back home to get it.)


"Broken Doll"

(Emo is short for Emotional and at 90 is a kind of rock music began to fashion since the American indie scene.
The musical features derived from hardcore and punk roots, but have a commonality of emotional vocals and melancholy melodies that, clearly defined and it seems no less.
The fashion and emo, and emo bands, but has been prevalent among the fans, here are a few features.
In a nutshell the Gothic impression + + skater punk. Before long, straight hair style is a fringe, black or flashy colors (including white) are carried out. Clothing is generally tight, brightly printed T-shirts and black, flashy colors and combinations are tops in the bottom black. Show that in contrast with the black浮KI立CHI more flamboyantly gaudy colors, it gives the impression of emotional. SURIPPON and shoes and sneakers, are often characterized by a flat bottom like the skaters wear.
Emo has since 2000, Fall Out Boy was produced by stars and bands like My Chemical Romance world, and rapidly spread to the world.
The music in Japan has been quite popular, fashion, and also hard to figure out the difference between the visual system is currently not very penetrating. However, in recent years in Japan and a series of events and the popularity of emo bands emo, it has gradually become more popular. In a recent conversation with the "Emo is" also now commonly used to express that.

"Broken Doll")

[Espero que tenham gostado! xD Bem toda a tradução que temos aqui foi feita no optimo tradutor do google, por isso se tirer algum erro não tenho culpa! n_n E eu preferi fazer a tradução em ingles, por que em portugues algumas coisas ficavam estranhas... ^^' E decidi por isto aqui por que eu achei interessante e acho que todos já sabem eu eu tenho um pequeno fraco por emos!!! *---*]

CELLT - [Maxi-Single]

Vocal: Kyoto
Guitar: Kokoro
Guitar: Kasumi
Bass: Mito
Drums: Mero


#1 - 午前0時のプラネタリウム/Gozen-ji no planetarium: http://www.4shared.com/file/127085875/728a05a3/CELLT_-_01_0Gozen-ji_no_planetarium_.html

#2 - ROTTEN COLOR: http://www.4shared.com/file/127085860/1bfbc06d/CELLT_-_02_ROTTEN_COLOR.html

#3 - ETERNAL WIND: http://www.4shared.com/file/127085869/622778c9/CELLT_-_02_ETERNAL_WIND.html


#1 - Invisible: http://www.4shared.com/file/127088447/4cd916f5/CELLT_-_Invisible.html

#2 - 桜Chronicle/Sakura Chronicle: http://www.4shared.com/file/127089062/b1304f41/CELLT_-_Sakura_Chronicle.html

#3 - 空ノ雫/Sora no shizuku: http://www.4shared.com/file/127090685/f532ede4/CELLT_-_Sora_no_shizuku.html

sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2009

ViViD <33

ViViD is the newest addition to the Indie PSC family! They joined shortly after the departure of Miyavi.

This is the band's official website: http://trustdesignworks.com/vivid/i/index.html

Name: シン (Shin/Sin)
Part: Vocal
Bloodtype: B-type
Birthday: September 4
Height: 170
Cigarettes: No Smoking
Hobby: Billiards
Favourite brand: Monsieur Nicole
Favourite music: Classic
Message: I will walk together.

Band history: Sin is probably best known for his activities as the vocalist of 秋葉原少年団☆電脳ロメオ (Akihabara Shounendan☆Dennou Romeo). Dennou Romeo was formed in April of 2006, and they were around for almost two years until they disbanded in January 2008. During these two years Dennou Romeo released two maxi-singles, one two-song single and one live-only single which contained only one song.
Almost a year passed after Dennou Romeo disbanded until Sin got into a new band. Rhyolite was formed in December 2008, and the member line-up was extremely promising; the other members were 夢時 (Yumeji) from メロ (Mello), つかさ (Tsukasa) from bis, and MINAMI from MASK. Unfortunately, however, Rhyolite disbanded after only three months of activities, in January 2009. Two months after this, Sin joined ViViD.

Name: 零乃 (Reno)
Part: Guitar
Bloodtype: A-type
Birthday: June 4
Height: 180
Cigarettes: Alaska
Hobby: Alcohol, darts
Favourite brand: Justin Davis, Jackrose
Favourite music: Steve Vai, Gary Moore, Eric Clapton, Dream Theater. Everything from R&B to Jazz etc. and easy listening music.
Message: I'll arouse you with my guitar.

Band history: Reno's first known band was NoveLis, who also gained popularity quite quickly in their time. Just like so many other bands in this scene, however, NoveLis wasn't around for a very long time; they were formed in February 2007, and went on activity pause in September 2008. All the members except for the keyboard player 櫻 (Sakura) left the band, which resulted in an indefinite activity pause. Despite the short-livedness of the band, however, they released three maxi-singles, two one-song singles, and a full album.

After NoveLis, Reno was active in a session band called 株式会社タスキンコ (Kabushikigaisha Tasukinko) under the name 佐藤 (Satou), and played in some other session bands such as IV宮Ko-kiの憂鬱 (IV miya Ko-ki no Yuuutsu). For a couple months around December 2008, Reno was also the support guitarist for Hi:BRiD, a band formed by former members of GHOST. Reno left Hi:BRiD to join ViViD in March.

Name: 怜我 (Ryouga)
Part: Guitar
Bloodtype: AB-type
Birthday: November 22
Height: 178
Cigarettes: icene
Hobby: Bathing
Favourite brand: Justin Davis, Royal Order
Favourite music: 80's Rock
Message: Shut up and come along

Band history: Before he joined ViViD, Ryouga was in fact called さち (Sachi). He started out by joining his friend's band M.cry as the support guitarist in June 2008, but he left the band already in October. (Actually, M.cry wasn't exactly his first band, but since he's keeping his first band secret I naturally can't mention the band's name here. D: ) Around the same time, he was doing lives with a session band called 大胸筋矯正サポーターズ (Daikyou Kinkyousei Supporters), whose other members were shyena from DragonWAPPPPPPER, ざくろ (Zakuro) from NOIR and ゆき (Yuki) and りょう (Ryou) from M.cry. This session band had their last live in November 2008.
Around this time, Sachi spent a short period of time as the roadie for 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 (Lolita23q). However, soon he joined IV and Ko-ki's time-limited unit ZiL, who had their first live on January 8, 2009. Ever since the beginning, they had decided that they will do only five lives as ZiL, and then they will have an announcement; and as we know, the announcement was the formation of a new band called ViViD. Sachi changed his name to Ryouga and became ViViD's guitarist.

Name: イヴ (IV)
Part: Zealous bass
Bloodtype: A-type
Birthday: February 16
Height: 163
Cigarettes: I don't smoke
Hobby: Watching movies, composing music, reading, muscle training, games
Favourite brand: Justin Davis, Royal Order, MALKOMALKA, MiLKDBOY, AndA, ViVienne
Favourite music: Symphonic metal, classical metal, mixture rock
Message: イッヴイヴにしてやんよ 1

Band history: IV's first wellknown band was キス&ネイト (Kisnate), formed in October 2007. Kisnate was around until February 2009, but IV left the band already in July 2008. The band released at least three singles during the time IV was their member.
After Kisnate, IV was a support member for 氷男 (Iceman), オーダーメイド (Ordermade)'s vocalist Haru's project, and he occasionally had lives with his and Ko-ki's session band IV宮Ko-kiの憂鬱 (IV miya Ko-ki no Yuuutsu) as well. And then, of course, he formed the time-limited unit ZiL with Ko-ki, and after the five lives they had, ViViD was formed.
I'm not sure when exactly it was, but IV has also been a roadie for 176BIZ. I believe it was around the time when たら (Tara) was still in the band, however, because Tara and IV are good friends and IV still considers Tara his senpai (senior) and says he's the person he respects the most in the world.

1 This phrase is some kind of a famous internet slang phrase, and I'm not sure I understand it very well. D: There's not much use to translate it literally because there's more to it than the literal meaning.

Name: Ko-ki
Part: CrazyDrum & DJ
Bloodtype: O-type
Birthday: May 1
Height: About 168 (depends on the day)
Cigarettes: I can't smoke yet★ 1
Hobby: DJ, sleeping, biting, staying indoors
Favourite brand: Vivienne Westwood, adidas, Milkboy, Dog, device, side by side, TOKYO BOPPER, Faline
Favourite music: HIPHOP etc., digital style
Message: A revolution in the drumming world. I'll change it. You guys, 1 113344449993333* 2

Band history: Like Reno, Ko-ki started out in NoveLis. You can read more about NoveLis' history in Reno's band history up there ↑. After NoveLis, Ko-ki did support drums for 氷男 (Iceman), and of course had session lives with his and IV's session band IV宮Ko-kiの憂鬱 (IV miya Ko-ki no Yuuutsu). Then he joined ZiL, and after ZiL came ViViD.

1 He can't smoke yet because he's still a minor.
2 This is something Ko-ki sometimes does in his blog. I don't know how to explain the Japanese cell phone dictionary system well, but if you write these numbers on a Japanese cell phone the right words come up. This one forms the words "あいしてるぜ", "I love you".

Informação retitadas de: http://www.jpopasia.com/forums/viewMessages?tid=4291&p=1

Dear by ViViD (Maxi-Single)


#1 - Dear: http://www.4shared.com/file/126708289/885b7881/ViViD_-_Dear.html

#2 - Distance of mind: http://www.4shared.com/file/126708270/761fdcea/ViViD_-_Distance_of_mind.html

#3 - 睡蓮人/Setsunabito: http://www.4shared.com/file/126708261/1803dd3d/ViViD_-_Setsunabito.html

terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2009

(Single) B.A.T. by Braze A Trail


#1 - Opening: http://www.4shared.com/file/125931228/34f9ee2a/Braze_A_Trail_-_01_Opening.html

#2 - Kokoro no kusari: http://www.4shared.com/file/125931278/498e1a6f/Braze_A_Trail_-_02_kokoro_no_kusari.html

#3 -Kiss: http://www.4shared.com/file/125931261/2949938a/Braze_A_Trail_-_03_kiss.html

#4 - Hoshi no mie ru oka no ue: http://www.4shared.com/file/125931256/9c0055ea/Braze_A_Trail_-_04_hoshi_no_mie_ru_oka_no_ue.html

#5 - Stay with me: http://www.4shared.com/file/125931250/7563f0df/Braze_A_Trail_-_05_Stay_with_me.html

~ Next Burning Circus ~ [Omnibus] by Bagi-Bogi (バギーボギー)


#6 - Mugen no Sora: http://www.4shared.com/file/125888623/65a63240/Bagi-Bogi_-_06_Mugen_no_Sora.html

(Single) 疲現実insect/感情straight by Bagi-Bogi (バギーボギー)


#1 - higenjitsu insect: http://www.4shared.com/file/125885089/897b97bb/Bagi-Bogi_-_01_higenjitsu_insect.html

#2 - kenjou straight: http://www.4shared.com/file/125885093/70b54fe4/Bagi-Bogi_-_02_kenjou_straight.html

Nise Ai Kankei [Sample] by Bagi-Bogi (バギーボギー)

Vo. Takahiro
Gu. Satoshi
Gu. Shotaro
Ba. Yuub

#1 - Nise Ai Kankei (偽愛関係): http://www.4shared.com/file/125880063/c0f3a319/Bagi-Bogi_-_01_Nise_Ai_Kankei.html

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

(Single) Shitsuren LATTE by Yuna (ユナ)

#1-Shitsuren LATTE: http://www.4shared.com/file/125742353/7737d9dc/Yuna_-_Shitsuren_LATTE.html

Vocal: Yuna [ex.R.via ex.S]
Guitar (Support): Kazuki
Guitar (Support): Marya (Lad)
Bass (Support): Shuu (Lad)
Drums (Support): Seiya (ex. Valkyrie)

This is a pen by Ensoku

This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.

(※) This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.

This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is ・・・

This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.

Hey yo everybody we need a pen.
Kizamu B P N mawasu P E N kakinagure omae wo sarakedase.
Ima kami to omoae ga contact (sessyoku) Pen ha konnani compact(shimaiyasui)
Yo! Yo! Yo! Tukamitore! P・ E・ N ! Pen wo!!

「Setumei siyou!! Ball-Point Pen toha.
Enchu-kei no plastic no naka ni ink wo tumekomi
sore wo kami ni hikitsukeru koto ni yotte sen wo egaku hikkiyougu no isshu de aru.
Sho-gakusei,Chu-gakusei kara Daigakusei hatamata One-san,Oji-chang,Shachou,Kouchou,
Bandsman ni itarumade aritoarayuru hitobito ni aiyou sareru
masani hikkiyougu no naka no hikkiyougu!! King of HIKKIYO-GU!!
Soredeha minasan gosho-wa kudasai.
This is!! to ittara!! A pen!! de onegaishimasu!!」

This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ a pen.

This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.

(※ Repeat)

This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.
This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen.This is a pen!!!!

Mp3: http://www.4shared.com/file/125737028/281c04e8/ensoku_-_MAJIFU_MAJIMEN_-_This_is_a_pen.html

Kakaoke (Mp3): http://www.4shared.com/file/125737031/48db8d0d/Ensoku_-_05_This_is_a_pen_karoake_ver_.html

PV (Mp4): http://www.4shared.com/file/125737034/38b17982/Ensoku_-_This_is_a_pen.html

(Single) DOMESTIC ヒト・ゲノム by Braze A Trail


01-Desire: http://www.4shared.com/file/125730532/4ace26e5/Braze_A_Trail_-_01_Desire.html

02-Mayu: http://www.4shared.com/file/125730525/cdb18207/Braze_A_Trail_-_02_mayu.html

03-Hoshi no mieru oka no ue: http://www.4shared.com/file/125730513/fff74f1/Braze_A_Trail_-_03_hoshi_no_mieru_oka_no_ue.html

Natsu Koi ★ Natsu GAME

ake no kisetsu ga yatte kita
karada juu ga zawameki dasu
aoi sora to umi ga kagayaku BEACH de

mada namae mo seikaku sura shiranai kedo
kimi no koto ga ki ni natte shimatta
hitomebore shisou

koi no kisetsu sa- hajikemashou
ATAKKU seikou yoru mo kimero

natsu koi natsu GE-MU
ai mo wasureta onna wo sasu
riyuu wa iranai hageshiku kangaetsuku futari

kuchibiru kasane yubi de hau
shitagi no shita nani wo kakusu
majime na furi sezu ni zenbu nugi sutenayo

ikiba no nai tokimeki tachi
subete kimi no naka ni dashitai
fuun na RU-RETTO natsu no otoshi mono

kimi no kajitsu ni oboreteku
ichiya no koi mo hoshi ni naru sa

natsu koi RABU GE-MU
nurashita mama icchae daitan ni
SHEETSU ni shimi komu kono karada wo terasu hodo

kotoshi ichido kagiri no yoru
moetsukiru made koshi wo fure
midara ni midashite jouzu ni odore

natsu koi natsu GE-MU
ai mo wasureta onna wo sasu
riyuu wa iranai hageshiku kangaetsuku futari

natsu koi RABU GE-MU
nurashita mama icchae daitan ni
SHEETSU ni shimi komu kono karada wo terasu hodo
asobi ni wa moetsuku futari

A abertura da estação chegou
Todo meu corpo começa agitar
Na praia, há o azul do céu e o oceano espumante

Nem sequer sei seu nome ou sua personalidade ainda, mas
Eu estou tão dentro de você
Pode ser amor à primeira vista

É a estação do amor, assim vamos todos para fora
O ataque foi bem sucedido, agora vamos mantê-lo durante a noite.

Paixão de Verão, Jogo de Verão
Isto aponta para as mulheres que até esqueceram o que é o amor
Você não precisa de um motivo, nós dois só precisamos pensar profundamente

Nós interligamos nossos lábios, e nossos dedos se arrastam
o que está escondido sobre sua roupa íntima
Pare de fingir ser sério, desligue-se de tudo.

Excitação que não tem lugar pra ir
Quero deixar tudo sair de você
Uma roleta de azar, algo deixado para trás a partir do verão

Eu continuo a me afogar no seu fruto
Em uma noite o amor se transforma em estrelas

Paixão de Verão, Jogo de Verão
Basta você ir audaciosamente enquanto ainda está molhada
Isto absorve as folhas que brilham intensamente sobre esse corpo

Esta noite é a única chance neste ano
Balançando seus quadris até se queimarem
Jogue isso completamente fora de ordem e dance bem

Paixão de Verão, Jogo de Verão
Isto aponta para as mulheres que até esqueceram o que é o amor
Você não precisa de um motivo, nós dois só precisamos pensar profundamente

Paixão de Verão, Jogo de Verão
Basta você ir audaciosamente enquanto ainda está molhada
Isto absorve as folhas que brilham intensamente sobre esse corpo
Nós dois que nos queimamos em jogar.

Mp3 : http://www.4shared.com/file/125631427/519d3ddc/Natsu_Koi__Natsu_GAME.html

[PV] Mp4 : http://www.4shared.com/file/125631422/21f7c953/Natsu_Koi__Natsu_GAME.html

Comment (Mp4) : http://www.4shared.com/file/125631432/38ecf812/Natsu_Koi__Natsu_GAME_comment.html

Boku wa gawa ni iru kara (mp3): http://www.4shared.com/file/125634942/48ab0db4/An_Cafe_-_Boku_wa_gawa_ni_iru_kara.html

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Defective Tragedy by the GazettE


Plastic case no anji suicide music
Mukizu no Red Line ni gouhou no Psycho
'Shikou ha mohou teki ni yamu sou frenzy ni tokekomu Backbone'
Melancholy and razor play
'Sou sa seru no ha igan da Backbone'

Plastic case no anji suicide music
Mukizu no Red Line ni gouhou no Psycho
'Shikou ha mohou teki ni yamu sou frenzy ni tokekomu Backbone'
Melancholy and razor play
'Sou sa seru no ha igan da Backbone'

Toge darake no cless feeling member tehoric
Iyasu kurayami ha my place
Kake ta ka de kaku
Sukui you no nai nise kuchi ni
Kotoba sae wasure sou da ne
Unstable hobby

It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and abnormal shudder
It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and tenacity of purpose
It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and abnormal shudder
It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and tenacity of purpose

Sad razor play
So cold day
Sad razor play

Scream yourself
Drain yourself
Without forget to yearn for liberty
Scream yourself
Scream your pain
Without concealing the selves

Mezame mi ta aka de kimi o chikaku kanjiru

Kurikaesu oto to mi tsubushi ta peeji
Kirisai ta hyoujou ni fukaku KISS
'aijou o mekakushi chikau isshou mazara nu tabi ni shitsubou'
Melancholy and razor play
Sou, mazara nu to be?

Slow cold rain
Kasaneru negai mo
Slow cold rain
Kodoku ni toke te iku
Kono te kara hanare nai de
Chikaku kanji te ta no ha kitto
Shijou no kimi ga subete datta kara ne
Slow cold rain
It goes along in the cheek.

It is not possible to escape.

Plastic case no anji suicide music
Mukizu no Red Line ni gouhou no Psycho
'Shikou ha mohou teki ni yamu sou frenzy ni tokekomu Backbone'
Melancholy and razor play
'Sou sa se ta no ha igan da Backbone'

Negae nu mirai ni negau ano hi o?
Kimi ni chikatta isshou ha isshun de?
Nozoma nu henka ni oshitsuke ta risou
Ochiro to sae negatta
Unstable idea

It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and abnormal shudder
It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and tenacity of purpose
It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and abnormal shudder
It gnaws at your brain
Envy mind and tenacity of purpose

Sad razor play
So cold day
Sad razor play

Scream yourself
Drain yourself
Without forget to yearn for liberty
Scream yourself
Scream your pain
Without concealing the selves

Nobase nu kono te to fumidase nu ashi to
Ushinai ha shikaku no akari mette oboru


Pista de um estojo de plástico, música de suicídio
Um psicopata legal¹ em uma linha vermelha perfeita

Uma cabeça cheia de palavras mordentes
Negras pálpebras e lábios
A escuridão curativa é meu lugar
Eu escrevo com uma espada ausente
Como um alívio para a boca que não contém nenhuma mentira
Eu até esqueço as palavras, não esqueço?
Passatempo instável

Isto corrói em seu cérebro
Mente invejosa e arrepios anormais
Isto corrói em seu cérebro
Mente invejosa e a tenacidade do propósito

Triste brincadeira afiada...
Um dia tão frio...

Grite a si mesmo...
Drene a si mesmo...
Não se esquecendo de ansiar pela liberdade
Grite a si mesmo...
Grite sua dor...
Sem esconder seus eus

Vejo no vermelho, enquanto acordo, te sinto perto de mim

O som repetitivo das páginas drogadas
Eu dou esta expressão facial de um profundo beijo rasgada em pedaços
"Cubra seu amor com uma máscara, eu juro para a vida toda
Eu não estarei totalmente misturado ao desespero"
Melancolia e brincadeiras afiadas
Então, não totalmente misturado com...

Lenta chuva gelada...
Mesmo o desejo que constantemente repito
Lenta chuva gelada...
Derrete na solidão

Não me separe desta mão
Porque o que eu senti tão próximo certamente foi todo
O "você" na carta
Lenta chuva gelada...
Isto avança na face...

Não é possível escapar.

Pista de um estojo de plástico, música de suicídio
Um psicopata legal em uma perfeita linha vermelha
Seus pensamentos caem doentes como uma imitação
"Então, uma espinha dorsal que se derrete em um frenesi"
Melancolia e brincadeiras afiadas
"A espinha dorsal que é torta que nem isto"

Para um futuro não desejado
Quero que aquele dia...
Eu jurei a "você"
Uma vida inteira está em um momento...
Para uma mudança não desejada
Um ideal posto sob pressão
Eu até desejei ter deixado cair uma
Idéia instável

Com essas mãos que não estão alcançando e esses pés que não dão mais nem um passo para a frente

Meus defeitos estão dançando em um jardim quadrado em miniatura

¹legal: no sentido da lei.

Mp3: http://www.4shared.com/file/125466310/f964fbfb/the_GazettE_-_Defective_Tragedy.html

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

Princess Princess D

Eu comecei a ver e estou apaixonada!!! <333
Estou a acompanhar no an-house!!!

omg! É tão lindo!!! (Ok, um pouco estúpido, mas lindo a mesma!!! x3)

E parece que no 5 epi vai haver um beijo!!! CHU! ;*

sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009

Lucky Star

Eu finalmente dei a devida atenção a esse anime e não estou arependida! xD

Sim, já acabai de ver! xP

omg a Akira-sama é bué fixe!!!! xDDDD

Mas eu acho que muitas pessoas gostam desse anime (eu também! xP), por que ele fala sobre uma otaku, com amigas que não são otakus! xD

Podemos dizer que aquilo é como a minha vida, mas eu infelizmente ainda não sou como a Konata, tenho que aprender mais! x]

É um anime muitop querido e eu recomendo! xD
[Mas acho que todos já viram! xD]

E sim tem yuri! xP

Kissus! <*

quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009

Nabari no Ou

Olá! ^^
Eu finalmente acabei de ver Nabari no Ou e amei!!! <3
Eu gosto mesmo de ninjas! xD

Mas a serio o anime é muito bom! =DDD
e as musicas também!

Eu fiquei completamente apaixonada pelo Yoite!!! *3*

Ainda tenho que procurar doujinshis desse anime! xP

Mas eu acho que o anime é um bocado a mistura de Kuroshitsuji e Loveless! o_o
A serio tem coisas bué parecidas! (Com Naruto também já agora tipo o Raikou e a Raimei são tipo o Itachi e o Sasuke! xD)

Ok, quando eu vi o final eu fiquei um bocado "WTF?!", mas agora que eu penso até foi querido. ^^

E eu estou a planiar escrever uma fic desse anime! xDDD
Estou a pensar em um Reikou x Gau!
Porque Yoite x Miharu, já existem três e não estou a ter muita imaginação para isso! Cx
Mas não sei se vou conseguir, já que eu também queria ter feito uma para Kuroshitsuji! xP

quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009

Bokura ga Ita

Olá! estou aqui para falar-vos sobre um shoujo até bastante querido chamado Bokura ga Ita! xD

Eu já acabai de ver todos od episodios, e até gostei do anime! ^^

O Yano é TÃO querido!!! *---*
Eu acho que a unica pessoa "problematica" no anime é mesmo a Nana-chan! -_-'
Ela consegue ser irritante quando quer! xP

Eu recoimento até para raparigas que não gostam muito de shoujo (tipo eu! xD)! Se viram Lovely Complex e gostaram, acho que também vão gostar deste. Apesar dester ter mesnos comedia do que LoveCom também tem partes bastantes giras! hahaha

E o anime tem musicas kawaiis! xP
Kissus! ;*

terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

Michiyuki by Hikida Kaori


Setsunasa no kagiri made dakishimete mo
Itsumade mo hitotsu ni wa narenakute
Yasashisa yori fukai basho de
Fureau no wa itami dake
Futari wo musunde kudasai
Bokura wa mou yume wo minai
Tomadoi nagara te wo totte
Zankoku na yoake no hou he arukidasu

Hontou no kotoba wa kitto
Hontou no sekai no dokoka
Bokura no mukuchi na yoru ni
Hisonderu ima mo kitto

Sabishisa wo shiru tame ni deau no da to
Kuchidzuke wo kawasu made shiranakute
Soredemo ima kimi to aeta
Yorokobi ni furuete iru
Kokoro wo sasaete kudasai
Bokura wa mou yume wo minai
Atatakai basho he nigenai
Zankoku na yoake wo kitto koete yuku
Akirameteta sono shizukesa
Hontou no kotoba wo kitto
Aishi kizutsuke au tame ni
Sagashidasu itsuka kitto

Setsunasa no kagiri made dakishimete mo
Itsumade mo hitotsu ni wa narenakute
Yoake mae no tsumetai hoshi
Futari dake no michiyuki wo
Douka terashite kudasai


Mesmo que você me abrace até que isso se torne sufocante
Nós jamais nos tornaremos um só.
Num lugar mais profundo que a gentileza
Nos tocarmos é apenas dor.
Por favor, nos amarre um ao outro.
Nós não sonharemos mais,
Unir as mãos no incerto
Caminho em direção
Ao cruel amanhecer.

As verdadeiras palavras estão certamente
Em algum lugar do mundo real,
Se escondendo
Em nossa noite sem palavras.
Mesmo agora

Encontrarmos um ao outro é pedir para conhecermos a solidão,
Nós não saberemos até trocarmos um beijo.
Mesmo assim, estou tremendo de alegria
Por ter encontrado você.
Por favor apóie o meu coração.
Nós não sonharemos mais,
Nós não podemos correr para um lugar quente.
Nós iremos certamente superar
Ao cruel amanhecer.
A quietude abandonada
Nós certamente encontraremos
As verdadeiras palavras
Na permissão de amavelmente machucarmos um ao outro.
Algum dia com certeza

Mesmo que você me abrace até que isso se torne sufocante
Nós jamais nos tornaremos um só.
Frias estrelas de antes do amanhecer
Por favor ilumine
O caminho que é apenas nosso.

Mp3: http://www.4shared.com/file/122859381/f207e457/Michiyuki_Loveless.html

Mp3(Karaoke): http://www.4shared.com/file/122860037/c07e13aa/Loveless_-_Michiyuki_Karaoke.html